Only use eBay messaging to communicate with buyers
Buyers and sellers should always use eBay messaging tools (My Messages, Best Offer) to communicate with one another. By September 2017, sellers will no longer be allowed to include contact information, such as email, phone numbers, and social media links, in item descriptions, titles, or other eBay pages. We encourage you to remove contact information from both active and new listings starting now.
This summer, Store subscribers and high volume Vehicle sellers will be able to provide a customer service phone number to share with buyers via Ask seller a question. This feature will be available when buyers have questions about their purchase and in limited situations for pre-purchase questions.
Remove links in your listings to off-eBay websites
We are updating our links policy to limit the types of links and domains that are permitted in listings and other eBay pages. The updated policy will go into effect in September 2017.
Links that direct customers to a site other than eBay are only permitted from approved domains and for the following:
Product videos (reviews, product demonstration or installation)
Freight shipping services
Other legally required information
No other links are permitted. You’ll need to remove links that don’t meet the above criteria. For permitted links, please follow these new guidelines to ensure they open correctly beginning June 2017.
To help provide a consistent buying experience and enable a faster and more accurate listing process, eBay uses images provided by our sellers in our catalog. By August 2017, sellers will no longer be able to opt out of this program, and all photos in listings created, relisted, or renewed will be considered for possible inclusion in the catalog.
In our Fall 2016 Seller Update, we announced that starting in June 2017, eBay will no longer support active content in any listings. Make sure to remove active content to ensure that your item descriptions best represent what you are selling. Please refer to our best practices guide for replacing active content, and learn how to make your listings mobile friendly.
Display your returns policy in the structured data fields
For the best buying experience, we recommend that you only include information about the product in the item description. Details about payment, shipping, or returns should be included in the structured data fields available for Business Policies. This will ensure that the information will be presented clearly and contextually to buyers on desktop and mobile devices.
New requirements for secure images, listing templates, and functionality in item descriptions
To align with new industry security standards, eBay will begin exclusively using the HTTPS communications protocol in the coming months to send and receive information between your desktop browser or mobile device and our site. We have used this protocol for many years for transmission of most sensitive information and are expanding its use. Item descriptions that contain externally-hosted cascading style sheets (CSS), images, or HTML5 video may be affected. To ensure that your item descriptions and images display properly, ask your hosting provider or third-party partner to support HTTPS and update listing templates or descriptions accordingly. For optimized display on both web and mobile, we recommend that you upload your images to eBay.