実は昨夜 ebayから連絡があった際に、2通のメールが別々に来ておりまして、その内の1通が記載の内容になります。
Thank you for contacting eBay’s Verified Rights Owner (VeRO) Program.
My name is Ami and I am happy to assist you further.
We do appreciate that you took the time to complete the ITT NOCI form and we are sorry to hear that you have found an eBay listing using your content.
We understand that this can be a frustrating situation and although we did action these kind of infringements as a courtesy for our members prior to the 23rd of February 2019, we are no longer taking action on these kind of reports.
The eBay user agreement was updated in 2017 and all eBay members were made aware of the changes during that time. We have decided to implement the terms within the agreement regarding uploading your own content to the eBay site.
For further information regarding this, please refer to section 9 of the User Agreement here:
I hope this clarifies and we sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused.
We do wish you all the best with your future selling on eBay.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Kind Regards
Ami M
eBay VeRO Team
それと言うのもパソコンから NOCIフォームに記入して証拠画像も添えてpdfとしてメールに添付したものがデータとして空白のまま送信されてしまい、再度 送り直しを言われたのでもう少し分かりやすい送り方が無いのか?を質問した後に届いたのがこのメールでした。
最初の時点でカスタマーサービスに通報後も動きはなく、再度 催促したところveroチームにフォームを記入した上で通報するように言われました。
この場合でも再度 送り直す意味はありますでしょうか?